Master of Arts in History

Develop historical knowledge, 为博士学习做准备,学习历史研究方法 Master of Arts in History in Temple University’s College of Liberal Arts. This flexible, 30学分的硕士课程为学生提供对主要史学问题的深刻理解, 学生有机会根据自己的兴趣定制课程. 

历史硕士课程强调历史的基本问题和专业历史学家的最新方法. 这个硕士课程是为全日制学生设计的,在两年内完成他们的课程. In your first year, 你将学习专业历史的方法论和史学演变. In subsequent semesters, 你可以把你的课程集中在一个地理区域,同时也选修其他地区的课程. Students have the option to write a master’s thesis, the product of their own original research, over two semesters.


  • Diplomatic and military history 
  • Environmental history
  • History of capitalism 
  • Modern history 
  • Public history 
  • U.S. social and cultural history
  • Urban history

历史硕士课程为中学教师提供丰富的机会, 希望攻读历史博士课程的学生和各种公共历史领域的专业人士. 费城是一个丰富的公共历史环境,有许多实习和实地考察的机会.

The department is currently able to offer funding to some students whose work focuses on public history; it does not offer funding to students who concentrate in other fields.

Optional Concentration in Public History

The Center for Public History trains graduate students for careers in museums, historical societies, archives, 国家公园和其他任何地方的历史都是在公众面前欣赏的.

坦普尔大学两年制公共历史专业的学生可以从各种美国历史高级研究生课程中进行选择, accompanied by specialized public history courses. 每门课程都是围绕一个重要的社区参与项目建立的, 每个学生通过在费城地区的大量实习获得实际经验.

申请人必须表明他们的意图集中在公共历史. 每年有一定数量的学费减免和奖学金授予最合格的申请人.


Learn more about the concentration in Public History.



  • Public History

    Combine historical analysis with museum management, 历史遗址保护和其他专业领域的工作历史学家. This two-year program includes advanced courses in U.S. history and a community engagement project.

    View Concentration Details

The Barnes Club Conference

The Barnes Club Conference 是该地区最大、最负盛名的研究生会议之一吗, 吸引了来自全国和世界各地的参与者. 一年一度的会议在春季学期的3月举行,为期两天. 它为崭露头角的学者提供了展示他们的项目的机会, receive critical feedback, 建立和扩大他们的学术团体. 精选的会议论文将获得不同地理和学术类别的现金奖.

History MA students host the James A. Barnes Club Graduate Student Conference each year. 

Program Format & Curriculum

历史硕士课程在威尼斯赌场网站主校区亲自授课. 学位课程可以全日制或非全日制完成.

学生可能需要长达三年的时间来完成历史硕士学位, 如果学生的导师证明他们取得了令人满意的进步,他们可以申请最多五年的课程延期.


  • Atlantic Revolutions,
  • Digital History,
  • Gender in History,
  • Nonprofit Management for Historians and
  • Studies in the Cold War.

Learn more about History MA courses.

Related Graduate Degrees

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 这个艺术硕士提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,105.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,518.00 per credit

You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


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